Dear Senior Leaders,
I am honored to have you experience the online Courageous Leadership program as part of 2022’s Senior Leadership Training! The program was developed with leaders like you in mind.
People have high, and often conflicting, expectations of leaders. At once, we expect leaders to be reasonable but passionate, decisive but inclusive, visionary but explicit, and powerful but humble. We also want leaders who are rational but emotionally intelligent, caring but impartial, and results-driven but people-oriented. On top of all that, we also want our leaders to know how to operate all the levers of work, like the relationships between functions and departments, the customers being served, how funding sources flow, how to mitigate risks, and how to attract, develop, assess, and reward talent. Phew!
The list of expectations is so long and contradictory that leaders often ask, “With so many priorities, what matters most?!”
My answer? C-O-U-R-A-G-E!
Courage is what gives leaders the backbone to forge a bold future, face fierce challenges, provide candid feedback, be decisive, confront ethical breaches, and drive results. Courage is also what enables transformational change, such as promoting an inclusive and equitable work environment. Yet, surprisingly, despite the central role that courage plays in organizational success, few organizations train their leaders or employees on how to be more courageous. The Social Security Administration, thankfully, recognizes the central role that courage plays in helping leaders have a better and broader impact on those they are privileged to lead.
You and the work you do are important! You are charged with strengthening and protecting the safety net that all Americans – including me – will benefit from at some point in their lives. As leaders, you are also tasked with continuously improving the systems and processes that strengthen the Social Security Administration as a whole. Leaders must constantly strive to make operations more effective and efficient while bringing out the best in the workforce. That, in turn, requires putting your courage to work while activating the courage capabilities of those whom you lead!
The signature online training program you are about to experience is focused on two things: helping you lead with courage, and providing you with content to increase the courage capacity of the people you are privileged to lead. These concepts were first introduced in my book, Courage Goes to Work, and have been since taught to thousands of executives across the globe.
You’ll soon learn that courage has long been considered an essential virtue. My greatest hope is that after experiencing this program, you’ll put this virtue to work by being a role model of ethical, honest, and just leadership. The role modeling of leaders like you is central to creating a culture that values, and embodies, the virtue of courage!
I encourage you to fully engage with this unique learning experience, so that, through your leadership, you can build an even better Social Security Administration. All it takes is for you to Dare To Be Courageous!
Bill Treasurer
Chief Encouragement Officer (CEO) of Giant Leap Consulting, Inc.
A video message from Bill Treasurer...
This program is a combination of online instruction and live training opportunities with Bill Treasurer. The online program includes video instruction, links to articles and blog posts, sharable graphics, a downloadable participant workbook that’s loaded with additional material, and a downloadable 30-question courage profile that includes an action plan for further development.
How to Enroll In The Program:
Click through to enter your email address and access code and complete the registration process. Setting up your account ensures that you will have secure and permanent access to all the training materials. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us: [email protected].
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